The Gematria of Jesus Christ

The Gematria of Jesus Christ

Saturday, March 4, 2023


 In what dimension does PI exist such that it can be written into? 

It's simply the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle.

The message, being of intelligent design, could only be written int PI by God, not by any created being. Moreover, even if there is a multiverse PI must have the same value across all for us to understand and acknowledge it.

All created things are subject to PI to understand and apply physics. It follows they are all subject to the creator of PI.

What does this say about our physics?

What this say about neo platonism?

What does this say about mathematical truth and the euthyphro dilemma?

What moral implications might this have?

THIS MESSAGE IS MORE SIGNIFICANT THAN A RADIO TRANSMISSION FROM SPACE, it deserves attention and discussion by our brightest minds.

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